
Friday, July 10, 2015

What to do when you can’t stand your patterns another %&@#*! minute by Jennifer Louden

In life, there comes a time when you so sharply, so clearly, see your recurring patterns; you see the cost, feel the pain of doing the same thing yet again, that you can barely stand it.
You watch yourself (just for example) yet again:
  • Make a snarky comment about summer tourists on the ferry slowing everything down.
  • Self-righteously defend yourself when your beloved says, “I thought the clothes were clean because they were on the washer,” and you snap, “No, they were on the dryer!” and then realize they were on the washer, and even if they weren’t, why snap?
  • Eat half the pint of Coconut Bliss knowing it isn’t really going to make you feel good.
  • Check email right as your writing starts to flow even though you swore you wouldn’t ever again.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Sound Healing

Sound healing is the practice of using audio tones and vibrational frequencies to repair damaged tissue and cells within the body. It works on the basis that all matter is vibrating at specific frequencies, and sickness, disease, depression and stress causes human beings to vibrate at a lower frequency. Playing tones that promote healing, happiness and vitality will allow DNA strands to repair themselves, and several scientific studies have been conducted on the potential healing benefits of audio sound frequencies. Sound has been used as a healing tool for centuries, and is still regularly utilized by many different alternative healthcare centers. Tibetan singing bowels, tuning forks, drumming therapy, and even chanting are all used in sound therapy and many participants experience strong emotions during therapy sessions. Advocates of sound healing claim that it has the power to heal mental illness, arthritis, autoimmune disorders and can even shrink cancerous tumors. Learn about the different forms of sound healing and examine the evidence that supports its use as an alternative medical practice.