
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Pilgrimage tour to Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, Spring, 2015

'Nepal Mandala' 
A Pilgrimage to Kathmandu Valley
with Yana Castle, PhD

March 21st to April 1st, 2015

Learn more about this exciting tour to Nepal. If you feel a calling to go on a sacred pilgrimage to one of the most exotic places in the world this coming spring, please visit tour website.
$2950 (not including airfare, double occupancy), $500 deposit holds your space. Deadline for registration: December 22, 2014. Limited to 10 participants.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Inner Authentic Presence

Inner authentic presence comes from exchanging yourself with others, from being able to regard other people as yourself, generously and without fixation. So the inner merit that brings inner authentic presence is the experience of nonfixed mind, mind without fixation. When you meet a person with authentic presence, you find he has an overwhelming genuineness, which might be somewhat frightening because it is so true and honest and real. You experience a sense of command radiating from the person of inner authentic presence. Although that person might be a garbage collector or a taxi driver, still he or she has an uplifted quality, which magnetizes you and commands your attention. This is not just charisma. The person with inner authentic presence has worked on himself and made a thorough and proper journey. He has earned authentic presence by letting go, and by giving up personal comfort and fixed mind. 

–– Chögyam Trungpa, The Sacred Path of the Warrior