
Saturday, December 12, 2015

Ayurveda for Anxiety by Aparna Khanolkar

Seven ways to balance and peace

Nearly everyone today has experienced anxiety, children even. Something about this fast-paced life, with technology and speed unimaginable only a few years ago has taken over our lives. We enjoy the benefits and convenience of this modern life. Yet our minds and bodies are overwhelmed by fatigue and anxiety.

You and I were created to be one with Nature. Not to be stuck in cubicles with soul-sucking jobs. Not to be slaves to our mortgages, debt and car loans. Nor were our children born to play unending games on their iPhones or other electronic gadgets. We are beings intimately connected to Nature.

Ayurveda has taught us that life is for bliss and growth. It is for the expansion of our happiness. Our happiness comes from balance, good health and a sense of connection to life itself. So how do we cultivate that? It’s easy and organic. The cost is minimal and the time you invest is an investment in your own healing. It does require that we have self-discipline.  Once you practice some of the techniques listed below, you will feel so good that you will easily make time for these simple rituals.

1. Turn off the phone, the TV, the computer and spend time outdoors. Plant your bare feet in the grass, in the wet earth or on the sand. Plan for it in your schedule. Change it up by breathing the energy of the moon at night. That cooling energy of the moon is good for our over-taxed minds. Other times, seek out greenery. This soothes the inner heat and anger that may build up from the pressures of life. Walking by a water body is also healing to the body/mind.

2. Spend time in silence. My children and I often play the ‘silence game.’ It’s simple. We all choose to be silent together, sometimes while driving, other times while walking or at home. It reduces stress levels quickly. Being silent is one of the healthiest habits you can cultivate. You will then hear the voice of your intuition and inner wisdom.