Yes, it feels painful and yucky to feel rejection or “not feeling enough” in the eyes of those that we deeply care for and desire to be loved and accepted by, but there’s something that is more painful than any rejection that we can receive from others.
It’s the rejection and criticism of ourselves.
Self-criticism and judgement is the way you break your own heart. Self-criticism and judgement stem from holding ourselves to an external measure of performance and/or being. It’s striving for an unattainable goal of perfection that can never be reached.
Perfection is a tricky issue. First of all, it doesn’t exist. There is no fixed place called “PERFECTION” that we can hang out in if we work hard enough.
Life is an ongoing calibration process, and ongoing learning game! But the concept of perfection serves us in subtle ways that we might not recognize at first. We often times use perfection both as a safety-zone as well as a way of punishing ourselves. Perfection is an excuse and a safety zone.Where are you not showing up as you, not expressing your truth or not engaging because “you’ll just wait until it feels a bit safer” or your expression/product/communication is a little better or until you “feel ready”?
This is you keeping yourself safe inside your comfort zone by putting up a goal of perfection. Your ego tells you that this is the safe way, you won’t get laughed at or hurt if you wait just a bit longer, take another class, or abandon your truth altogether. The concept of “being ready” does exist. But it is usually the Universe that decides when we’re ready and propels us out into new circumstances. It’s rarely the ego that ever feels ready! Life happens through us, whether we feel ready or not. And mostly it happens in that annoying place where we are definitely not completely ready — because it’s called the learning zone. Learning means venturing outside of that which you already master and know, and exploring new territory. There’s no way around it, so you might as well enjoy it!
Where did you judge yourself out of your own coziness?
Being at peace and content with ourselves and where we are gives a deep sense of coziness in our bodies and soul. It’s a place of an open heart and an easy connection to other people and beings. The surest way to disrupt this coziness is through self-criticism. Judgement closes the heart chakra, the most powerful center of your being. In order to start examining how you put yourself in this painful place, look at your self-communication. How do you talk to yourself? Would you talk like that to anyone else?Would you tell a baby who’s learning to walk that they’re not good enough to walk and should never try doing it because they keep falling down in the process of learning? Yet this is oftentimes the way we talk to ourselves as we’re in our own process of learning to walk our dreams.
To take action means to regularly make mistakes. Mistakes are a re-calibration and resetting of your course.
How do you want to look at your mistakes? Is it worth beating yourself up about them, or are you simply going to choose differently next time? Mistakes mean you’re on your way, you’re going somewhere, you’re exploring, you’re engaging with the light and the dark. You’re exploring what feels good, what doesn’t. “Never doing that again!”, or “That’s the way forward!” — we learn through this polarity.You don’t look at a flower seed and say, “Oh, that’ll never grow into a flower” — because you know that the process of nature is for a flower seed to grow into a flower. It’s time to understand that you have the flower seed within you. It is your consciousness, your Divine Soul that calls you to expand and evolve. And your life is the soil.
So where do you criticize your YOU-ness? And where did you learn to do that?
Where are you guilt-tripping yourself about your being or actions? You know that guilt is present when you hear the word “should” echo inside you. So, where’s the SHOULD in your life? It should be like this, I should wear that, I should perform in a certain way… this is the highway to hell and your guilt is the driver. Guilt is constructive only when it serves as a pointer of where you went off track and how you’re going to handle the same issue in the future in a different way. Without a new solution present, guilt is useless. So every time there’s a SHOULD, listen up and pay attention to it: Are you feeling guilty about something – and is it constructive?Holding ourselves to a standard of perfection is how we tear our budding dreams apart. It is how we break our own hearts.Where do you talk yourself out of going for your heart’s desire?
Where do you tell yourself the lie that you don’t know, that you don’t deserve?
Self-criticism and the creative process.
Criticism usually comes into the picture when we attempt to express ourselves in ways that are new to us. When we attempt to expand our expression of ourselves, be it cook a new recipe or change our job. The critic sounds like this:What’s the point?
…of writing poetryIt’s the voice that says: It won’t make any different. I don’t see it. No one’s going to want it. It’s not possible for me. It’s not going to work!
…of learning to meditate
…of starting a community
…of creating a blog
…of learning a new language
…of changing your diet
…of dreaming of a vacation in the Bahamas
…of wanting to change your job
…of {insert your dream of choice}
This is your ego trying to keep itself in control. (Remember, your ego is here to protect you from everything it sees as scary!) When these road signs pop up, you know you’re on your way to expansion. Because these are the markers of your old limits and as you move beyond them, you grow beyond who you thought you were and begin to discover who you have the potential to be!