Namaste originates in South Asia- namely India, where it has two formal presentations, Namaskar and Namaskara and is often accompanied by a mudra- (energy generating hand/finger posture) in which the palms are placed together and held at the heart center, then brought to the forehead or third eye center. This gesture could be understood as a surrender of ego to spirit and recognition that the life force within the individual is the same life force which resides in all other beings in this universe. Therefore it is a statement of unity and acceptance.
The Meaning of Namaste
Quantumstones.com explains beautifully a few interpretations of this universally blessed phrase,
“The literal translation of this greeting varies with each language; however, they are all pretty much saying the same thing. In Sanskrit, the word ‘namah’ means bow, ‘as’ means I,, and ‘te’ means you, translating into “I bow to you.” A Hindi friend once explained that Namaskar is translated from ‘namoh’ and ‘sanskar’ translating loosely into English as “I bow to godly/good qualities within you,’ as her culture always tries to see the good in all things.
Some other popular translations and meanings of the word Namaste I hear frequently include:
• The Divine light in me acknowledges the Divine light in you.
• The God in me greets and meets the God in you.
• I honor the spirit in you that is also in me.
• The Divine wisdom in me recognizes and acknowledges the Divine wisdom in you. • Regardless of the language you speak, the word simply invokes a sense of sharing a spiritual connection and creates a sense and feeling of oneness and balance. Essentially, it’s a way that all humans can connect.”
Living the Truth of Namaste
Regardless of how it may be translated, Namaste carries a potent vibration and heart-soul meaning that resonates for all of mankind. Imagine if when we spoke this word to another, we truly savored and felt its meaning within ourselves each time, genuinely acknowledging the unbroken connection between our soul expression and another. Namaste is a beautiful way, no matter who you are or where you come from, to align yourself with the peace and unity of all that is. Namaste